The Green Room Psychological Services Inc.




How vital is positive psychology for a top business executive?

It’s natural for everyone to want their work to be engaging and interesting. Yet statistics show that 80% of the working population is plagued by job dissatisfaction, and the entire...

How to overcome negative bias with positive psychology?

Psychology says that brains are designed to react more vehemently to negative stimuli than positive ones, and that’s the primary reason behind the complications associated with a negativity bias. Brain...

Traumatized due to a personal injury? – talking to a psychologist can help!

Reactions to an event like a personal injury can leave the victim reeling with anger, hurt, helplessness, upsetting memories, and mild to severe anxiety attacks. Often, the victim feels unable...

Everything you wanted to know about adhd and its testing modalities

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or ADHD cannot be diagnosed with physical tests, but a trained professional can help conduct a suitable evaluation process. A person (adult or child) who has...

A messy relationship or no relationship: what’s better?

Anyone who has heard the quote, “No man is an island,” instinctively agrees to the fact that healthy relationships with others are the cornerstone of a fulfilled existence. Therefore, even...

Why should you opt for emdr and what should you expect?

Trauma may be defined as any negative incident that can scar the mind. Some examples of trauma are personal injuries, accidents, divorce, abuse, and acts of violence. While some victims...

Is emdr scientifically proven? take a closer look!

Though the EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) technique has been around for almost four decades (it was conceptualized around 1987), many discussions still shroud its scientific efficacy. To invest...

How can adults manage their adhd in everyday life?

ADHD or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder can affect a person’s professional life and heavily impact social and personal lives. An ADHD patient remains in a constantly overwhelmed state, and anything...

How learning about emdr treatment can help you to help others?

Most people grow up facing a couple or more difficult experiences in life, but in some cases, negative incidents can overwhelm personal thresholds of tolerance. In these situations, appetite, sleep...